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6% Hydrogen Peroxide WFI Wipes

6% Hydrogen Peroxide WFI Wipes 

Made with 6% Hydrogen Peroxide WFI Sterile Solution

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Product Overview

Our 6% Hydrogen Peroxide WFI Wipes are made with United States Pharmacopeia (USP) quality Water For Injection and Hydrogen Peroxide. The wipes use an innovative system that combines knitted polyester wipes with sealed edges, packaged with a separate internal pouch of hydrogen peroxide and WFI formula. This internal pouch allows for maximum chemical stability while offering a simple, convenient and consistent method to saturate the wipes. By simply rolling the package of wipes, the internal pouch of liquid opens and quickly saturates the wipes. Each package is aseptically filled and double-bagged for use in aseptic areas.  The wipes are designed to remove organic and inorganic residue from surfaces. This product has an extensive documentation package to meet your validation objectives and is supported by the STERIS Technical Services team for individualized application and validation assistance. 


STERIS 6% Hydrogen Peroxide WFI wipes remove residue from hard surfaces in cleanroom areas. It is formulated to be a low residue cleaner with minimal organic carbon. 


  • Quality - Extremely low level of endotoxins from WFI produced by a Finn-Aqua® Multiple Effect Water Still 
  • Ease of Use - Ready to use wipes save time and labor of preparation, eliminate errors and the need to validate preparation procedures 
  • Convenience - Double bagged for easy introduction into your aseptic areas. 
  • Safety - 0.2 micron filtered, aseptically filled and packaged minimizes potential for particles being introduced during use.
  • Assurance - Each lot documented by a Certificate of Analysis including sterility results. 

These products are not registered as disinfectants by the US EPA.

Certificate of Analysis

Certificates of manufacture/analysis for consumable products by product ID and lot number. (Adobe® Acrobat® Reader required)