Cleanroom Apparel and Barrier Product Solutions
Cleanroom Coveralls, Hoods, Face Masks, Googles and More
Cleanroom Face Masks
A variety of face mask styles are available to meet the preferences of each manufacturing area. The most popular styles include a unique set of side extensions that expand the coverage of the face mask.
A variety of face mask styles are available to meet the preferences of each manufacturing area.Cleanroom Hoods
These shoulder-length hoods are available with three face cutouts: diamond-face, full-face and eyes-only.
Cleanroom Sleeves and Armcovers
Sterile sleeves and armcovers are available made from Tyvek®, poly-coated Tyvek® or spunbonded polypropylene.
Cleanroom Suits & Apparel Packs
Designed to simplify aseptic gowning to save time and reduce the risk of contamination. Each pack contains a Tyvek® coverall, shoulder-length hood, high-top boots and a face mask.