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Vaprox 59 Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant

Proprietary 59% aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution that’s compatible with a wide range of environmental surfaces and offers broad-spectrum efficacy against viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and bacterial spores while leaving no toxic residue.

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Product Overview

A specially formulated chemistry, STERIS's Vaprox® 59 Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant drives the efficacy and performance of STERIS’s patented VHP® process technology.

How Vaprox 59 Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant Works

STERIS's VHP Biodecontamination Units utilize STERIS's patented, world renowned VHP process technology and Vaprox Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant. VHP process technology, introduced in 1991, uses hydrogen peroxide in the vapor state as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial with no condensation of active ingredient onto surfaces.

Why Vaprox 59 Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant?

Formulated and tested for optimum VHP Biodecontamination Unit operation and reliability.

Wide range of material compatibility.

Broad spectrum anti-microbial.

Validated biodecontamination cycles for use on environmental surfaces1.

Proper testing of incoming raw material and each manufactured lot.

Manufactured to lot control in accordance with cGMP procedures.

Filtered during manufacturing for optimal Biodecontamination Unit operation.

Containers offered in a variety of sizes from cups through drums to accommodate application requirements.

US EPA registration No. (EPA Reg. No. 1043-123)

Active ingredient notified according to European Union Biocidal Product Directive (Europe Only).

1Refer to the Vaprox 59 Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant package label and insert for additional information and application instructions.

Certificate of Analysis

Certificates of manufacture/analysis for consumable products by product ID and lot number. (Adobe® Acrobat® Reader required)